Archive for May, 2010

Make Your Own Word Cloud

Friday, May 28th, 2010

I came across a site called Wordle which caught my attention. I’m sure that most of you have seen those “word clouds” or “tag clouds” on various web sites, you know, a collection of words of different font size. A larger font word is used to visually indicate that the word has been used or tagged more frequently than other smaller font words in the collection. With this site you supply text or a web link and it generates a word cloud based on the information supplied. I played with this site for a while and had fun trying different texts such as the national anthem, song lyrics, political statements, etc. It is also possible to select various properties to get different styles, colours, fonts and more. You can save your creation to the on-line gallery for others to view your work of art. I was surprised to see how frequently new creations are being published to the gallery. To save the cloud image to your own computer you have to perform a screen capture as the site is using a Java applet which cannot write anything to your computer.

Give it a try when you have a few spare minutes and thinking of what to do next. You can ‘Google’ “word cloud” to find other sites that perform similar functions.

Here is a word cloud of this article.