Archive for February, 2010

With Glowing Hearts

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

The 2010 Winter Games are now over.
Canada received a total of 26 medals during these games which is the best showing it has had at any Olympic games. 14 of these medals are gold medals which is more gold medals than any other country has won at any other Winter Olympic games! These games have raised Canadian patriotism to a very high level; the World has even noticed the change. I believe that Canadian’s have always been patriotic but simply do not show it publicly; Canadians are too polite to boast. The question now is… is this new enthusiasm going to stay or is it going to fade away once the Olympic success becomes only a memory.

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Gold Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Silver Olympic Medal

Bronze Olympic Medal

Bronze Olympic Medal

Bronze Olympic Medal

Bronze Olympic Medal

Bronze Olympic Medal

2010 Olympic Games

Friday, February 12th, 2010

Well, I was going to say that it is that time of year again but that is not true, it is that time of by-year…. The Olympics start today.
Canada is hosting the 2010 Winter Games and Paralympic Winter Games (21st Winter Olympics) in Vancouver. The last time the Olympics were in Canada was 1988, in Calgary. Montreal hosted the summer games in 1976 which makes a total of three times the Olympics have been held in Canada.
There is all sorts of new technology at these games. Everything from live video feeds of the entire torch relay, massive telecommunications infrastructure, everything is wired (even the temperature in the fridges) to the fact that every second of every event will be broadcast.
Most Canadians are excited about the games, it is a time for the country to put its best foot forward and show the world what it can do.
Of course, there is talk about the weather and how it is going to affect the events but it is not going to affect the opening ceremonies as they are going to be held inside. The first time that this is being done.
The big question right now is who is going to light the caldron. We’ll find out shortly.
Good luck to all.